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Are you okay?
Color Me Therapy
2020 and 2021 have been a hell of a year. And the million dollar question I find myself asking time and time again is “-Are you okay?”
Sometimes you need an outlet that you can talk and be expressively creative in one space. You need a space to begin your healing and decrease your anxious thoughts. You’ve been looking for something different to take you from your head and bring you closer to your heart. This is your space.
Join me as we answer the million dollar question “Are you okay?” With talk and paint.
Via ZOOM, zoom link to follow after prior to the event!
You will need a 10x10 canvas
Acrylic paint
Paint Brushes
A safe space to process. A safe space to begin healing. An opportunity to unload creatively..
442 KB
1545 x 2000 px
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